Friday, August 12, 2011

Taming Sari is my passions * Dancing Club*


      Taming Sari is a Dancing persatuan dekat UiTM Arau. I just entered the club last semester because of my friend, Taz! Actually, i do dance when i were in Primary school *time kecik kecik dulu lah kan* Bila masuk uitm mmg nak masuk persatuan menari, so time part one pergi lah Annual Grand Meeting diorang dekat LT. First time pergi AGM , I saw sooooooo many talented dancer in UiTM. On that night juga diorang buat audition and ramai yang try menari on that night. Tibe tibe rasa nervous and i lost myself confidence!! Pelik juga kenapa tibe tibe hilang confident kan?? Memag lah takut sebab ramai orang lagi pandai menari dari kita kan? adoiii. Diorang semua very talented macam pernah menari untuk negeri apa semua, ME???? only in primary school wakil sekolah and Gombak then buat  small charity show in some event kan? Lepas tu apa lagi cabuttt lah, since then my dream to be a dancer gonee! because of my less self-confidence! GRRRR. So, I entered Pentas Digma which actuall a Acting Club macam persatuan teater lah kan? then suddenly I asked myself whether " Boleh ke aku belakon?" haha. Tak pernagh ada experience pun but its okay lah kan? why not give a try. since then, I just watch those girls and boys dekat audition tu sekarang dah menari in many shows and event and the best part is diorang dah pergi menari luar negara. It called IMTG-GT ( Indonesia, malaysia, thailand) , best kan diorang dah menari dekat thailand and it is actually a good experience for them tau. nak buat macam mana tak ada rezeki kan? Nak tahu diorang menari berapa tarian dekat sana? about 10 to 11 tarian diorang kena menari and hafal! Crazy lahhh! Then, tibe tibe Taming sari ada buat show under MPP dekat dewan semarak called TEST, since that day that moment I saw them dancing on the stage and it reminds me when i used to dance *tradisional dancing* ! macam recall balik zaman zaman menari dulu kan, ye lah kalau nak menari sekarang kan dah keras dah lama tinggal kan menari. Seriously, danciing is my passion. when i danced it will make me feel happy and it is just like between me and the melody! Bila menari dia akan buat kita rasa tenang and  I am myself when I'm dancing! Lepas je tengok diorang menari terus I asked Taz, macam mana nak masuk ppersatuan tu haa? sebab minat sangat tengok diorang menari. Taz cakap pergi je studio ikut diorg menari everyday bagi commitment selalu. Lepas tu, dengan rasa malu nya i went to the studio and started to know new friends which they are truly good and skilled in dancing. WOWWWW! Like it or not I have to face it with my courage no matter what because I LOVE DANCING! Since then, every night pergi training tarian dekat studio. dah macam routine hidup dah. haha. TAPI yang penting I'm happy for myself! I told myself its okay ,if tak dapat menari untuk apa apa event ke apa, just pergi sana untuk belajar new things, new steps, new tarian. Kira macam untuk menimba ilmu tarian lah kan? LOL. Soo, I always set in my mind that I want to learn more and try to develop myself with new skills. Never had any intention to go menari luar negara ke, event ke, show ke kan? because i know i am just a freshy and i need to learn more. 
       Since that great starting , tibe tibe they asked me whether can i dance for SUKOL  nanti, at that moment i was like OMG, kena menari lah macam mana ni? dah lah tak pandai menari tak hafal steps lagi ni, ! Time  tu mmg kelam kabut lah kan. But it is actually a challenge for me. so, i take it as my challenge and i have to improve myself. Lama lama, ada lah show show kecil kena buat and kena menari. Memang best lah budak budak taming sari. Diorang ni very helpful but at the same time of course in any persatuan ke organizations  ke mesti ada problem masing masing kan? tapi tak apa, it is not a barriers for me to keep stay in this persatuan. Eventhough, dah menari for some event and show but still I need to learn more.. Best tau menari ni macam macam taraian baru kita dapat belajar nanti. Kalau nak menari mmg kena ada this three basic which is Inang, Zapin and Joget! Inang mmg susah sbb dia sangat lembut and kena tongek *fuuuh* , honestly i hate zapin sbb zapin SUSAH and LAJU! tapi alhamdulillah sbb dah belajar step baru and kawan kawan tolong sikit sikit bolehh lah, joget basic lah menari joget kan, kena tongek juga! Nak menari ni diorang tak evaluate whether you guys boleh hafal stepps ke lembut ke ? TAK TAK! diorang tengok dari segi Posture !! Tahu POSTURE tu apa? Contoh macam badan you all lah kan, diorg akan tengok badan korang ni ada posture untuk menari ke tak? Because POSTURE bi very very important . Dia bagi kita nampak originally dancer cuma kena banyal belajar untuk lembut kan lagi badan, hafal steps and more lah. I guess till here je lah kot nak cerita pasal Taming sari. Siapa yang rasa rasa minat nak menari tapi takut buang rasa takut tu and have faith in yourself insyaallah! 

P/s: Tarian memang susah tak tipu tapi bila kita minat semua jadi senang! betul tak? nak share some photos bila masuk Taming sari ni hehe

Friday, August 5, 2011

I think i need to blogging starts from today ! Don't you think soo?

       Dear blog, to be honest i dont really have interest in blogging pun, but yeah sometimes when u're bored then it will make  ur boredom gone!! Since now is on bulan Ramadhan, so i'll grab this opportunity to add more stories in my blog. ermm, where do i start now? To many stories that i had missed to tell in my blog but lets cut it short. Boleh?

        Last mid-term break, i had have fun with my family and friends. I went out shopping with my sister , Tyra Tan and we tawaf the whole sungai wang together.  haha, it was a tiring day yet i had fun. Actually, less went out with friends, spent more quality times with family. I watched movies with my mum and we went for karaoke-ing! I really missed those moment. lol. Act, mummy have a very nice voice. *not bad mummy* It were the last day of mid term break,  suddenly i dont feel like going back to Araustralia!! * sad faces* I told myself not to cry in front of mummy and daddy. soo, i kept smiling in front of them but started to cry inside but what can i do? it is my responsibility to get into that bus and off to UiTM ! SOO SADDD! Whenever I felt sad, mummy's words will came out from my mind "kakak you should bersyukur sebab dapat future study , not like mummy and daddy tak ada peluang untuk study!" whenever I thought of those words I breakdown and cry . I realized that it is true, bukan semua orang dapat peluang untuk future study and i need this to get a better future. soo,   balik lah arau then since balik tu terus tak ada selera nak makan, homesick, study pun tak concentrate. I dont know why, i kept crying and crying and crying sampai kawan tegur "kau okay ke tak okay ni?" nak buat macam mana kan? kita dah homesick soo, menangis je lah samai lebam! Lepas tu, dah lama lama sikit okay lah sikit. bak kata Syue, Mentally breakdown! apa yg breakdown pun i tak tahu, hehe

        Masuk masuk je minggu pertama lepas cuti, ambik kau test and quizzes berDERET !! GRRR. Memey aku stress lah kan? haha. Kitaorang pun struggling nak study lah nak buat term paper lah! dah lah term paper susah nak buat , grr!!! Study study study sampai lebam LOL. Then, quiz costing okay lah, test Mgt okay lah, test costing okay lah, test law okay lah open book tapi ACCOUNTING really really makes me crazzzzzyyy and mentally breakdown after done the paper. Weyhh, soalan susah gila bhai! seriously tak tipu and i got confused and blur while answering the questions! Habis je paper, keluar dari BK pergi toilet terus menangis. Iasked why am i crying??  it is because  i answered the paper soooo badly!  since masuk UiTM tak pernah menagis sebab buat test ke apa ke. but this  test reallly really make me sick of doing accounting. I told myself, "this is not gonna last long and habis diploma mmg nak sangat tukar course to business.' btw dah bagitahu daddy dah, daddy kata pikir baik baik, sekarang just focus on ur studies. SOOOO, here am i studying and try to get my courage back because i"ll be a dead woman later if I didn"t find my courage back! 

         After a few days, im getting better and better! good girl kan?? Lagi lagi nak start bulan puasa dah kan? so, I pun niat nak be a better person since bila puasa ni. mana tahu kan,tibe tibe dapat ilham. kan kan? Tu lah, niat itu penting kalau kita nak betul betul berubah boleh tapi yang penting kita kena lah sentiasa berdoa and try jangan tinggal solat. as a human being yes we had done so many sins, so pada bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini. I started to solat and baca Al-Quran and start to muhasabah diri lah kan? Cuba korang try bulan puasa ni , try dudk kat rumah and jangan pikir nak makan, tapi pikr apa akan jadi nanti?? banyak banyak baca al-quran di bulan puasa ni okay?  sooo, Selamat Berpuasa Semuaa! 

Angry Bird vs Cutie Bird

          Dear Angry Bird, you're the best angry bird ever. Thank you for always be there whenever i needed one. I got not chance to say that I do really appreciate what you have done for me. I just wanna share this story through my blogs.

       First of all, hello angry bird..The story began through BBM(Blackberry Messenger) , I have never met this angry bird before but one day he PING me and through BBM-ing we knew each other. Since then, we always PING and On the phone all night long. To be honest, he is a very flexible person and easy going . Angry bird really know how to entertain me and make me laugh. He's the best angry bird ever. We got close and we do tell story to each other because he is a very good listener and he'll always lend his ears for me. yes, it is through he is a nice guy,kind, loving, caring and also good in playing guitar as well. Its almost everyday we OTP at late night, he always accompany me whenever I'm stayed up to get my assignment done. Sincerely, he is really a nice guy but its just that i couldnt love him more than a friend because I already told myself that he's better to friends rather then having a serious relationship. I'm truly sorry angry bird its just you're too good and too kind . Its just me! I couldn't bare to loose you as my bestie a.k.a Angry bird. whatever it is  , You'll be in my heart as my angry bird. Since the day that he confessed, he truly have changed and to be honest I do really missed our old routine. I really hope that you could read my mind and understand my situation. He always said I'm okay lah MissTAN but actually he's not . So, i'm just letting the time to decide which is good and which is not! and plus he always sang a song for me, he'll record a song that he sang and send it to me. He has a very nice voice and he is good in playing guitar as well. Whenever I'm sad he'll cheered me up with his song !! I really missed those moment with angry bird. Please angry bird! please dont change and remember you have promised me something. You'll always be here angry bird and look at my smiley face , It will cheer u up ! Thank you very much for everything angry bird. You're the best ! because of this Angry bird game, it brought you into part of my life in UiTM. 

Lots of love, Cutie Bird <3

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One day before Mid-term break!

Friend or Foe

      OMG, Why should we faced all this problem through high school , University life and also working time??
Did I do anything wrong in my past? seriously, To me yeah people  make mistakes all the time but we need to learn from our mistake instate of repeating the same mistake again. I just don't understand why. To get through all this nonsense we need to be strong and just live our life. Getting a friend is easy, but getting to know them better is hard because of their not being themselves. We're friends why should we get jealous of each other?
       We should be proud of ourselves and also to our friends. Guuyyss, We're as a friend DON'T ever get jealous of each other because it will affect us later. Trust me. Firstly, as a friend you must always support your friends and never leave them behind. Stop with all this nonsenses about getting jealous and bad-hearted because it is not good for us as a friend. For example, we should study together and gain more information together so that we will achieve our goals together. In study we can be competitive, but we have to do it in a healthy way and it will motivate us to be a better person. We're friends and we're not an enemy!! Secondly, never do bad things to ur friends this is because when we do something bad to our friends one fine day we'll get it back but in a bad way. Yeahh, true friends is temporary but seee, we're all teenagers and we need our friends to listen, talk, hug, comfort us. And why should we back-stabbed our friends which is not good. I love all my friends seriously no matter what but at the same time I hoped the same thing from them. Lastly, Trust and love in friendship are important. And It is a "MUST"!! Don't be our enemy, we love each other, be with each other when one of us need a help, study together, have fun together. From there you'll gain all the love and care among ourselves. Please guys I know I'm not as perfect as you think I am, This is based on my real life and I learned a lot from my experiences and I hoped that this wont happen among my friends again. Friends is not everything but you know what I meant right? Live your life and Don't ever bother about what people talk about us.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011



      PENTAS DiGMA ditubukan pada 18 September 2009 dan merupakan sebuah lembaga gerakan maha siswa UiTM Perlis yang menekankan dan memperjuangkan dunia seni teater.Sama ada teater tradisional atau pun moden & mementingkan aspek dari segi teknikal bagi perjalanan sesebuah pementasan. PENTAS DiGMA merupakan persatuan yang bernaung di bawahUnit Kebudayaan UiTM Perlis. Teater Hantu Hantu Yang Saya Kenali merupakan tapak permulaan yang mencetuskan langkah mula dan aktifnya kegiatan teater di UiTM Perlis. Teater tersebut juga telah berjaya mengharumkan nama UiTM Perlis ini sendiri kerana secara tidak langsung pementasan yang berjaya menarik seramai 3000 orang sepanjang pementasan itu diadakan selama dua hari berturut-turut. 

Practice Teater
    We're like a family here in Pentas Digma. We trained together , every night and we all put a lot of effort on it. But too bad, theater "Tanah" have been postpone to Next semester. It's a devastated news but we took it maturely and never gave up on it. I really missed the day we had soo much fun practicing and memorizing the dialogs. Its okay, This semester we're going to present a new theater which is "Gelanggang Tuk Wali". It is a nice theater btw. We gathered with all the talented people. The theater Coming soon on 23rd and 24th of Feb. Our director Hilmi asked us too memorize the script after Chinese New Year. DAAAAMMNN, and he asked me to search YOUTUBE about how the "wartawan" speak like.... SIGH! For now , I'm not that busy but surely after Chinese New Year we're all gonna be totally busy with activities and quizzes and Test as well. This semester we will try our best and practice well.  Good Luck to me and friends. Memorizing the script while studying. I guess sooo

Monday, January 24, 2011

Perfect Nightmare

Sometimes we fight

Sometimes I cry
Why dont I just tell him goodbye
Sometimes I should but
Sometimes I dont
Build up the strength to say that its wrong
Sometimes I hate sometimes I love
Sometimes I hurtsometimes I dont
Sometimes I wait for him to change
But its okay I just got to pay (yeah)

And I dont ever wanna leave em' alone
They say im brain washed but im in love with this man (yeahhh)

Keep tellin myself that its not worth it
I already know I dont deserve it
But if its from you I dont mind hurting
This is my perfect nightmare
So when will I wake up and scream

No way , no way , no way ,no way , no way , no way , no way
But if its from you I dont mind hurting
This is my perfect nightmare (perfect nightmare)

Sometimes I keep it cool
Sometimes I let 'em knowsometimes I even pack my bags to walk out the door

Sometimes I feel safe
Sometimes I really dont
Sometimes I promise that im ready to let 'em gooobut I dont ever wanna leave 'em alone
They say im brain washedbut im in love with this man (ooooh)

Keep tellin myself that its not worth it
I already know I dont deserve it
But if its from you I dont mind hurtingt
His is my perfect nightmare
So when will I wake up and scream

No way , no way , no way ,no way , no way , no way , no way but if its from you I dont mind hurting
This is my perfect nightmare (perfect nightmare)

Hopin' hes changing but im scared hes not cant see a way to leave himhe open'd my eyesand i..

Keep tellin myself that its not worth it
I already know I dont deserve it
But if its from you I dont mind hurtingt
His is my perfect nightmare
So when will I wake up and scream

Keep tellin myself that its not worth it
I already know I dont deserve it
But if its from you I dont mind hurtingt
His is my perfect nightmare
So when will I wake up and scream

Jealousy and Bad-Hearted!

Why must people now days have to be jealous among themselves! weird!!! 

        You're too fat or too skinny; your breasts are too big or too small, your hair is the wrong color, style or length; you would be cute if... bottom line no matter what you do, you are not good enough to keep the man in your life or attract a new one. This is the message that the mass media bombard women with on a daily basis. When a woman dresses explicitly it is for the purpose of gaining admiration and attention from both men and women.
If the large, impersonal social structure is telling women that they must constantly compete with each other, you can imagine the psychological damage this causes at the smaller, personal social structure in female relationships with close friends and family. Most women are not intimidated by movie celebrities, playboy centerfolds and print media super models because they don't have physical access to their male partner. But when your friends and family show a bit too much skin it can be a daunting task to pretend that the man in your life did not see their cleavage in the two-sizes-too-small blouse. Many of us are shocked when friends betray friends on the talk shows; by admitting that they slept with their best friend's boyfriend or husband. Unfortunately, this happens more often than women are willing to admit to.
As a counseling psychologist working with women, I have discovered that one of the indirect causes of why women are disloyal to each other is based on self-hatred and low self-esteem more so than the need to hurt other women. In therapy sessions women have revealed that the reason that they slept with their friend's or relative's husband or boyfriend was not because the man was particularly appealing, but because of what the woman who had him represented. Therefore in essence sleeping with another woman's male partner was a way of indirectly possessing the qualities of the woman that the friend admired.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Being Yourself is Better then Being Someone Else!

Always trust yourself no matter what happens!

Get to know yourself better and always believe in yourself. To be a better person we have to learn from our mistakes and wake up, MOVE ON! 

Diet Issue again??

   Girls now days obsess with their WEIGHT and SHAPE!!!. And I'm one of them as well. LOL. Yeah, obviously I'm a girl so I'm concern about my looks. All girls concerned about their looks so am I. Sooo, I did diet but I didn't over diet and torture myself like literally. I'm telling this based on my experience. When I was in High school, yeah I gained weight a lot and I'm truly to death wanted to diet and I did diet but in a wrong way. I gained weight about 7kg's after I went for my appendix operation and from that day I started to eat without thinking or control my daily meal! Then, i started to gained weight 1 kg then 2kg then 3 kg until my weight become 57kg. I was like What the H*@%???? It is not what I've image it should be and I'm totally fat. The next day, I started to diet and I did diet. But I didn't eat anything at night and I just ate biscuit and yogurt about 3months. I stopped eating rice or heavy meal such as burger, Fat foods, rice and more.. At the same time, I wanted it to be fast and I did force myself to vomited out all my meal, then It became my habit starting from that day. It's a eating disorder and It will affect my health. I continued vomit and yeah I did lose weight but not in the proper diet meal. I did lost 5kg's but the bad part is it become worst and worst, I've a gastric before and its started to get worst and more painful. Yes it is true "NO PAIN, NO GAIN" but I'm torturing myself instated of getting healthy. I'd learnt my lesson from the previous eating disorder because of I'm too desperate to lose weight.  Now, I'm in Arau. Most of my friends are on DIET, Like into diet. Yeah, I'm also on diet but I know what to eat and what not to be eaten. They really concern about their body weight and shape to much and It leads them to a bad eating disorder. You guys wanna suffer Anorexia Nervosa  and Bulimia Nervosa is it?
Seriously It's a unhealthy eating habits which will leads to DEATH!
I'm not good in this situation as well but I do know that we should have a proper diet and also exercise regularly. Do more exercise and eat a proper meal! GOOD LUCK guys!

Gossip Time Girls!


      As always, Girls loves to gossip even though it is not that necessary! But I am proud to be a Gossip girls no matter what. LOL. The truth is yeah gossiping is bad but that is Girls stuff. Here in Arau I'm known as a gossipgirl because I love gossip and I love telling HOT stories to my friends. Haha. yeah thats me. But I'm not as bad as you think. People do talked about me also It's just I dont know who and why. It is part of life so yeah I dont even bother about those stuffs. We often gossiping and I'm the head of gossiping! haha. Seriously, I dont know why but it is a nice thing to do when you're bored and when you're with your friends. Heyyyy, Come on guys! Siapa tak pernah Gossip tell me now? haha. Seriously, when you're bored the best thing to do is gossip because it is joyful! I guess so! Gossip gossip gossip about good things and also bad things as well. Thats for sure. It's my new hobby here in Arau! For those who are not into Gossiping its okay. It means that you're as nice as an Angel! :)

Welcome To Araustralia!

Araustralia ke?
     Arau here I come, Daddy send me till Arau and He left me here by my own. I wished I could go home and stayed there as long as I could but too bad I can't and I've to continue my journey studying here in Arau. I missed home and I missed my siblings as well. Daddy is going off soon, I'm with Ms Tong, she overcome me. She was there when I dropped my tears. After saying goodbyes to daddy with tears, I went straight to my room and unpacked my stuffs. It took me about 2hours to unpacked my stuffs.  haha, No lies!! Then after unpacked my stuffs, I waited for my friends Ms Bontot semut, Ms WeeWee, MsProf, MsLecturer and MsLittle. I missed them so badly and when their are back, as always KECOH satu kampung lah kan? haha.  When I've all my friends here I got my strength and they are my strength to stay put here in Arau. LOL. I wont be able to adapt these environment without my friends. They are my strength, they are my hope and because of them I'm not by my own anymore. Even though we just known each other for a short semester but yeah we're close. Enough being SAD! LOL
Talking about classes?? yeah, Totally packed for this second semester!!! Damn my class at 8am till 6.30pm??!! OH NO NO, this is torturing me! The next morning, I woke up and I went to my first class in 2011. But suprising I woke up early that morning, We walked to class together as always. Last semester It's only 3 of us which is MsSHY , MsWeeWee and ME but this semester there is 6 of us.

       Yeah, 3 from perlis and another 3 from K.L. Yeah, we're in one group and we always walked together no matter what! They're all my close friends, Especially MsTong, MsWeeWee, MsShy, They're crazieessss but of course I did influenced them a lot! LOL. Shhh, Don't tell others. Most of the times, We studied and discussed together about any subjects. I'm thanked god because I've a friends like them because they could accept me as I am. Now days, It is hard to find a friends that could understand you and accept you as you are. Seriously. I'm proud to have a friends like them. They're all genius and a very competitive person which is a good thing lah kan? so that we could motive ourselves. Then the same routine all day long, the next day then the next day again and again......sigh!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hell-O 2011

New start and New Goals!

       This is at a new point in my life, and things are totally changing. But like the sunsets I saw on Pangkor Island , the miles I've already gone are going to stay with me. I start it all over again so that I wont get into a wrong path of life. To be honest I've my own goals and my own way of getting my goals, so starting from Jan 1st 2011 I will be a better person. Lets join me and gets your own goals and dreams!! We have to learn the world backwards and be a better person in future. Keep in mind guyss!

New Year Eve Celebration 1st then off to Araustralia

    On 31st December 2010 night, New year countdown and we were at Curve, Damansara. Guess what? That night damansara road was fulled with cars and luckily we arrived there earlier. After a few minutes after we arrived, Damansara turns into PASAR! There was an event that night in front of Curve (Ramai gila and ramai melawatians) and another event were held at Laundry Bar. That night was packed and full with peoples'! Then, I met my twins miss Summer with her beloved boyfriend(Mokmok). We celebrate new year together with my sister , mia shahrin and my cousin's friends. We parrrtayyy puas puas before balik arau! LOL. We danced and took a lots of pictures together. I really missed that moment when I'm in K.L!
BYE BYE 2010, and HELLO 2011

A week before Balik Arau again!

   OMG, one week left! and then I'm off to Araustralia again. Why am I still complaining? It's okay, I'll be fine sooner or later! Hopefully! A week left, I'd spent time with my family and friends as well. Yeah, I went shopping with my parents and the best part is when we were at the cashier then Daddy was shocked because he heard that our bills are RM 400++. haha. Me and my sis was totally freaked out! Daddy bising gila, why so mahal lah apa lah haha. It's funny but It's also a true statement given by Daddy! LOL, yeah, We shopped like crazy and never checked for its price. SORRY DAD! sekali sekala maaa.
Then We went for lunch together, I really missed my parents badly buuuuttttttt, Bila jumpa je Gaduh? and why is that? That is a normal things happened between daughter and parents!

      After spending time with my family, I went out with all my friends, female, male, Pondan as well! Ada ke? haha. Naaaah, Joking guys! Obviously, when teenagers meet up with their friends what would they do first "1st"??? LOL Lambat lahhhh, It's  GOSSIPING lah! Girls love Gossip and gossip all the time. No Offence girls it's a fact and just accept it okay? Besides gossiping, hanging out with friends is a MUST so, yeah we went out chilling, lepak-ing, smoke some shisha at late night. That is a Normal routine when I'm in K.L. No lies seriously, but at the same time having some leisure time with my girlfriends. A week passed by  quickly, I packed my stuff then  I'm off to Araustralia for my second semester (part 2).
Tak nak balik, but what to do?? I have too for my own sake! to be continued!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Girls Just wanna Have FUN!!!

OMG, We're so cute!

My twins
      Wish you guys were in Arau, Seriously we'd soo much fun in K.L! Only the bad girls knows the answer am I right? haha. 'Siti saleha'(my twins), 'Mia Shahrin', 'Nurul syariza' and my lovely MOKMOK(Athirah Tan a.k.a Adik)!! When I was in K.L, I went out with those who I've mentioned their name earlier. Seriously, right after I arrived K.L, I went out chilling with my girlfriends. I'll drove my car thats for sure and we went to Pavillion and BB walk which is Bukit Bintang walk. KLCC? Not in our list. haha. I have a twins, we are twins! Her name is Miss Summer. She's beautiful and Crazy at the same time. I really missed her when I'm back to Arau. Sigh. Usually, We'll go for lunch first then we Jalan jalan and the best part is SHOPPING time. That is the best moment  lah kan. Dia kaki shopping, I pun kaki shopping. So, yeahhh we are meant to be twins pun kan? We always shared our problems together, It's like I've no secret with her lah but since I'm in Arau soooo we hardly contact each other because I'm busy with my studies and she's busy with hers! Miss you my baby GIRL.

Our Old Times!

  Then, My Girlfriends including my sister a.k.a Adik!! I hate to say this but I do miss them as well. haha. Yeah, We're known as the P.P and Siapa tahu teka lah ok? haha. Not being too expose here. As always since we were in high school, a lots of things we'd been through together. yeah, I know friendship is temporary but Now you're teenagers we do need our friends to be with us. As I were saying, We're Young, We're free, We love PPPPP! haha You know what i mean right? Seriously, a lot to tell later but not here. :) Lets party girlsss.



Study hard and Play hard as well! :)

Home Sweet Home

Home sweet Home
       I missed my House and my Family as well. Yeah, what do you expect ? I stayed in Arau about 5 months, Of Course I miss my house and my Bed so badly. I ate a lot since balik from Arau. haha GEMUK dah ni. Sighh. Dah tak sabar nak balik and tidur on my bed. Ohh NO, Really missed my bed and my teddy.

OH NO, Obesity

       Our semester break about 2 months , I'd planned many activities during last semester break. Actually I'd spent my leisure time Lepak-ing, Facebooking, Eating and Sleeping. I gained weight. I've a gigantic butt! Shhhh, haha. I'm lack of time and I can't fulfil my needs. Its okay, I did enjoyed my holiday. I went out with my old friends and we shopped together. Yeaahh, Girls love shopping!! Most of the time, I went out lepaking with my girlfriends and gossiping about others as always. We're GIRLS, that's what GIRLS do!!  Heaven Balik K.L because there's alot of things happened here. Really excited with all our activities lah. Need to diet ni, Gemuk sudah. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Nobody Loves Finals and Bye Bye Guys!

      Last semester, We were struggling for our Finals Exam and we studied like CRAZY( literally). Do asked my friends?? They're crazy !! haha. Sorry guys :) but yeah we did enjoy our happy and bad moments together, Am I right? I hate it so much when they  someone says "Oh, exam is around the corner". I really hate it when they said that, because that words will lead us to think negatively and have no confident in ourselves. SIGH. So, we studied together, we laughed together, we cried together and we went into the Exam Hall together for the first time. nothing much to tell during finals exam because we're too busy studying and No time to relaxing or Lepak-ing! haha Enough about the finals thingy!! Then a few days after finals, Packing TIME! Balik Rumah lah kan?? Yeayyyy, Kuala Lumpur here I come! We all had packed our stuff and return to our own Hometown! Before we said GoodBye, We took a lots of photos together and we had sooo much fun Hugging and Laughing. Then the sad part is when we all gonna say Goodbye too each other. Seriously, I realize that Arau is nothing but the precious things that ever happened here in Arau  is having them as my Closefriends. I feel like crying while i'm typing this... FUUHHH, they're more than enough. It's not easy to find a friends that could be with us when we're SAD and HAPPY at the same time. Friends are easy to get but to get a friendships are Precious! I Love them so much and I thanked them for everything. Do Love your friendships, Don't you ever leave your friendships behind! Thanks guysss!See you next semester <3
GoodBYE guys!
I'm gonna miss you guys

University's Life says DAD

UNIVERSITY's Life ??? My dad always advise be about the importance of getting a new experience in University life, Soo I was like what am I suppose to do to gain experience and enjoy my University life?? He reminds of a Prof. because he advised me a lot of new things that I don't even know and one of his advise is He taught me how to confront other people and what should I do when they ask me questions? and he also told me to Think outside the Bowl. At first I've no idea what does it means and what's the purpose? Then he told me that no matter what happens you should never looked back and continue your journey. It means that sometimes we need to think wisely and make a good decision, so that we wont regret. In other hand, Think outside the bowl means you have to wake up and expose yourself in every way, such as communicate with people, get involve in any activities so from there you'll gain your experience and at the same time you'll be more matured. I'm not as perfect as you think-ed I am. There's something happened last semester when I was in Part 1, for every subject we're going to sit for a common test  and it's actually for our carry marks. I was worried and depressed then my dad called and he comfort me not to pressure myself. He gave me moral support seriously, It's worked!!  The moment when he told me about this is part of your University's Life, then I told him it's not easy to cope and learn something new! Then he told me, University's Life means doesn't mean you have to score in your Final exam or study really hard to get your pointer. It's about how you manage your time, how to develop your communication skills, how to  adapt yourself in a new environment, interact with other students and lecturers and so on! You don't have to pressure yourself or harm yourself by studying till all night long and stuff lah, you know what i meant right? . It's not worth it!! University's life just once in a life time, So do enjoy your University's Life so that, u'll be successful in your academic as well as your skills! Trust me you wont regret! I thanked my dad for that Moral support and I tried to enjoy my University Life here in Arau with all my friends. Keep on trying you guys, you wont regret!


I guess soo!
July 2010, At UiTM Arau,  Perlis. SIGH!! I was really upset and upset and upset! I put all my stuff in my room and I met all my new roommates. I was thinking about How am I gonna adapt here in ARAU?? like seriously and yeaahhhh ARAU, It's like out of noway and "PENGHUJUNG DUNIA" is the other name of Arau! To be honest, yeah I did cried all night long but I never mention it to my parents because I don't want them to worried about me. Luckily, I have a friend from KL, BontotSemut(BS), Her nickname lahhh! She really supportive and kind as well. We went to KOKO together, we slept together ( literally) , we walked together, we went to a Theater activities together. Yeahhhh, every things together! Then, I also made a lots of new friends and starting from that day I could adapt myself here without disturbing others and I did enjoy my day knowing new friends and my new friends are MsWeeWee, MsShy, MsSquid, MsLecturer, MsLittle, MsProf, MsWawa. and Make more Friends!! The fact is, where ever we go or stay, we must train ourself to adapt and accept reality so that we could learn how be more independent! Seriously NO LIES! I know It's not easy but you have to faced it and be strong. You have your family and you also have your friends by your side! I started to adapt with other peoples' but I still can't adapt with the environment here because as you all  know that Arau is in somewhere in HUTAN I guess. There's nothing here and I'm not used to it, when I'm bored I'll think-ed of my parents all the time then I'll started to cry. I really missed them so badly, Its just they don't know how i feel. I did cried sometimes but not everyday and Obviously I'm totally HOMESICK at that time. I'm Lucky to have a friend like BS. Thank you BS!! I have a great friends here. Knowing them is the best part since my first step in UiTM! More to tell and share. stay tune!!
Ms Bontot Semut

Ms WeeWee


Ms Chiwawa

Sunday, January 16, 2011

UiTM here I come

Awesome University of Araustralia
UiTM Di Hatiku
A few months back , I'd Registered for Accountancy in UiTM, then on May 2010 my friends told me that I can checked whether I get the offer through messaging. Then a few hours later, I got a message from UiTM and they said CONGRATS "My Name", that time I was like very excited about getting into University, but the best part is when my mum called and said "Congrats my dear you got into UiTM Arau, Perlis!!!!!!" TEEETTT!! My feelings turned upside down  from Happy and excited to Devastated!! At that time, My mind was thinking where the hell is Arau and why Arau? seriously! Really really upset and I can't accept the reality! haha. Then, Mummy and Daddy was really excited about I'm getting into University soon! =__=
I know they're Happy for me and they put very High HOPEs on me. To be honest I'm upset because its ARAU and there's nothing there. NO OFFENCE!! But it's true am I right? I do love both of them, They did supported me in many ways and I thanked them so much. I have no choice  and It's for my future and for my own good says Daddy as always my IDOL! As the eldest daughter , I decided to accept the offer and went to UiTM with half of my heart but NOT fully from my Heart! haha. Don't tell Mummy and Daddy!
More to tell soon about UiTM di Hatiku! OMG!!!!
My Daddy and Mummy <3
I love you guys ( not a real picture thou). But still I do Love you guys! Muaaahs
When I was 5 years old! haha
am I cute??