Friday, August 5, 2011

I think i need to blogging starts from today ! Don't you think soo?

       Dear blog, to be honest i dont really have interest in blogging pun, but yeah sometimes when u're bored then it will make  ur boredom gone!! Since now is on bulan Ramadhan, so i'll grab this opportunity to add more stories in my blog. ermm, where do i start now? To many stories that i had missed to tell in my blog but lets cut it short. Boleh?

        Last mid-term break, i had have fun with my family and friends. I went out shopping with my sister , Tyra Tan and we tawaf the whole sungai wang together.  haha, it was a tiring day yet i had fun. Actually, less went out with friends, spent more quality times with family. I watched movies with my mum and we went for karaoke-ing! I really missed those moment. lol. Act, mummy have a very nice voice. *not bad mummy* It were the last day of mid term break,  suddenly i dont feel like going back to Araustralia!! * sad faces* I told myself not to cry in front of mummy and daddy. soo, i kept smiling in front of them but started to cry inside but what can i do? it is my responsibility to get into that bus and off to UiTM ! SOO SADDD! Whenever I felt sad, mummy's words will came out from my mind "kakak you should bersyukur sebab dapat future study , not like mummy and daddy tak ada peluang untuk study!" whenever I thought of those words I breakdown and cry . I realized that it is true, bukan semua orang dapat peluang untuk future study and i need this to get a better future. soo,   balik lah arau then since balik tu terus tak ada selera nak makan, homesick, study pun tak concentrate. I dont know why, i kept crying and crying and crying sampai kawan tegur "kau okay ke tak okay ni?" nak buat macam mana kan? kita dah homesick soo, menangis je lah samai lebam! Lepas tu, dah lama lama sikit okay lah sikit. bak kata Syue, Mentally breakdown! apa yg breakdown pun i tak tahu, hehe

        Masuk masuk je minggu pertama lepas cuti, ambik kau test and quizzes berDERET !! GRRR. Memey aku stress lah kan? haha. Kitaorang pun struggling nak study lah nak buat term paper lah! dah lah term paper susah nak buat , grr!!! Study study study sampai lebam LOL. Then, quiz costing okay lah, test Mgt okay lah, test costing okay lah, test law okay lah open book tapi ACCOUNTING really really makes me crazzzzzyyy and mentally breakdown after done the paper. Weyhh, soalan susah gila bhai! seriously tak tipu and i got confused and blur while answering the questions! Habis je paper, keluar dari BK pergi toilet terus menangis. Iasked why am i crying??  it is because  i answered the paper soooo badly!  since masuk UiTM tak pernah menagis sebab buat test ke apa ke. but this  test reallly really make me sick of doing accounting. I told myself, "this is not gonna last long and habis diploma mmg nak sangat tukar course to business.' btw dah bagitahu daddy dah, daddy kata pikir baik baik, sekarang just focus on ur studies. SOOOO, here am i studying and try to get my courage back because i"ll be a dead woman later if I didn"t find my courage back! 

         After a few days, im getting better and better! good girl kan?? Lagi lagi nak start bulan puasa dah kan? so, I pun niat nak be a better person since bila puasa ni. mana tahu kan,tibe tibe dapat ilham. kan kan? Tu lah, niat itu penting kalau kita nak betul betul berubah boleh tapi yang penting kita kena lah sentiasa berdoa and try jangan tinggal solat. as a human being yes we had done so many sins, so pada bulan ramadhan yg mulia ini. I started to solat and baca Al-Quran and start to muhasabah diri lah kan? Cuba korang try bulan puasa ni , try dudk kat rumah and jangan pikir nak makan, tapi pikr apa akan jadi nanti?? banyak banyak baca al-quran di bulan puasa ni okay?  sooo, Selamat Berpuasa Semuaa! 

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